

How to touch Shaddolls to your deck.

For Japanese:



  Hello everyone. Welcome to my weblog. I am Mochi, and I am crazy for Shaddoll, especially El Shaddoll Winda. Today, I would like to show the procedure for touching Shaddoll cards to your new deck.

  Many yugioh players may raise the question "how can we use shaddoll properly?", and unfortunately it is difficult to find the good answer on the Internet, which cards they need to buy. It is very complicated to summarize correctly since this question requires much knowledge of WHOLE yugioh, not only of shaddoll. Almost all players, however, want to get the right and visible process.

  In this page, you can understand the existense of so many "Touching-shaddoll set" and the purposes of each sets from the point of view of Shaddoll cards. After understainding the merit of all sets, you can choose one set from them as the best partner of your deck!



1. Definition of "Touching-Shaddoll Set" and point

  I am sorry but I am not familiar for the terms of Yugioh, so here I define the new word. "Touching-Shaddoll set" means that a set of Shaddoll cards for giving power of shaddoll to other decktype, for example Nekroz, Orcust, True-draco, etc...

  For example, 3 Shaddoll Fusions and 1 Shaddoll Beast can be the set.In this page, I will use "set" as this mean.


  Mostly, you had better add 3 Shaddoll Fusions in the set. The power of the set mainly comes from Shaddoll Fusion, so you would not find that Shaddoll is strong and useful if you managed to remove fusions.

  The case which is allowed to add just 2 Fusions is that your deck has only 4 spaces for Shaddolls. If more spaces, it is better for you to add 3 fusions.

2.Category of Sets

  It is better to find the proper set by considering "the purpose" or "the number of shaddoll cards". You can choose the sample of sets if your deck requires spesific function, or you can discuss which set is good from the space of your deck for shaddoll cards.

  Before thinking the purpose of each set, I am going to classify the "purpose" into "THREE" group!

  1. For FUSION
  2. For the effect of fusion material to get ADVANTAGES
  3. For the effect of fusion material to INTERRUPTION

  First group means that El Shaddoll FUSION monster or FUSIONING is the main purpose of your deck. For the power of "El Shaddoll Winda", for sending LIGHT monster to graveyard as a fusion material from your deck, etc...

  Second group and third group mean that the effects of Shaddoll monsters are the point of your deck. Getting advantages from the effect of "Reeshaddoll Wendi", interfering opponent with "Naelshaddoll Ariel", etc...

  This classification helps you to understand what you truly require to Shaddoll. Somebody confuse this point, for example he manages to add Wendi to your deck nevertheless his original purpose is interruption. If you really want to use Shaddoll as a good system of FUSION, you have to add 3 Shaddoll Fusion to your deck.

2-1. For FUSION

  What kind of deck will regard Shaddoll as a fusion machine? They...

  • want to add other way for sending monster(s) to graveyard from deck than before.
  • want to get new way for counterattack (sometimes from side deck).
  • want to use Winda or Anoyatyllis' power as a brake.

①If you want to use Shaddoll Fusion as a substitute for Foolish Burial, you can choose any Shaddoll monster as a fusion material. Of course you should decide which is better for your deck, so please go next two contents(2-2 and 2-3) if you are confused.

  →3 Shaddoll Fusions + 2~3 Shaddoll monsters

②If you want to get new counters, you have to consider the metagames. If there are no deck related to extra deck (for instance, monarch), you cannot use Shaddoll. On the other hand, if there are many decks related to extra deck monsters, you will be delighted to use Shaddoll set.

  →2~3 Shaddoll Fusions + 1~3 Shaddoll monster(s)

③If you try to keep Winda or Anoyatyllis, you have to use 3 Fusions and it is better to apply Falcon as a fusion material. Falcon is the good way to revive these two Fusion monsters, so it will be better for you.

  →3 Shaddoll Fusions + 2~4 Shaddoll monsters (at least 1 Falcon)


2-2. For Advantages

  Before thinking which deck is good, let me show you which Shaddoll cards are for gaining advantages.

  • Hedgehog for adding shaddoll cards from deck
  • Beast for draw a card
  • Falcon for special summon from GY
  • Wendi for special summon from deck

  Mainly these four cards. Yes, you can use these four card if you want to get more cards than opponent!


①If you want to use Hedgehog mainly, you have to ponder which shaddoll monster you will hope to keep in your hand.

  • If you want to add Falcon to your hand, your aim seems to go to Synchro summon or Link summon "Crystron Halqifibrax". This is very good idea for making strong field!
    → 3 Fusions + 1~2 Hedgehog(s) + 1~2 Falcon(s) (+ others)
  • If you want to add any other shaddoll monsters except for Zefras, you will use Grysta or Shekhinaga.
    → 3 Fusions + 2 Hedgehogs + 2~4 others

②If you want to use Beast mainly, you can decrease the number of Shaddoll monsters in your deck. Wendi or Hedgehog, Falcon requires other Shaddoll monsters for exertion its power, but Beast does not need any other Shaddolls since the effect is only draw.
  → 2~3 Shaddoll Fusions + 1~2 Beast(s) (+ others)

③If you want to use Falcon mainly, your deck seems to be slow. Falcon is for keeping your field and it can revive Fusion monsters. In order not to let your opponent move freely, Falcon can work well!

④If you want to use Wendi mainly, you also have to consider which monster is to special summon from your deck. Keep in your mind that it is better to "Add 2 other kind of 3 Shaddoll monsters" for utilizing the power of Wendi.

  • If you want to summon Beast, it is very ordinary but strong. You can at least one draw!
    → (2~)3 Fusions + 1~2 Wendi(s) + 1~2 Beast(s)
  • If you want to summon Ariel, your aim is to use "Resh Shaddoll Incarnation" to special summon "Shaddoll Construct" or LINK monsters. This case requires El Shaddoll Construct or El Shaddoll Apkallone for sending Incarnation.
    → 3 Fusions + 1~2 Wendi(s) + 2 Ariels + 1 Incarnation (+1 Squamata if no Construct)

2-3. For Interruption

  This is a rare case, but can be occured.

  • Dragon for breaking opponent magic&trap cards
  • Ariel for removing opponent's GY

  Thinking the way of coordinating graveyard, the effect of Ariel is excellent. Of course the effect of Dragon is useful and flexible, so they can be the axis of the set.

  → 2~3 Fusions + 2 Dragon or Ariel + 0~2 other Shaddolls


3. Considering from deck space

  If you cannot determine only from section 2, you can use this section to determine the total amount of Shaddolls in your deck.

3-1. 4 spaces or 5 spaces

  Materials can be Dragon, Ariel or Beast. Fusions can be 2 at this case.

  • If only 4, not so reliable but easy to change.
  • 5 is the least line to rely.

3-2. 6 spaces or 7 spaces

  The basic size of the set. You can use Hedgehog or Wendi from this size.

  • 6 is the good amount for utilizing Hedgehog.
  • 7 is the least amount for utilizing Wendi.

3-3. 8 spaces or 9,10 spaces

  This size is for the "Ariel + Incarnation" combo.

  • 8 is the least line for the combo.
  • 9 or 10 is the good amount for Squamata + Incarnation set.


4. Summary

  • Choose the purpose or the space first, whichever is okay.
  • Go to the other side, and determine which is the best.


  Thank you for your reading! If you have a question, please send me DM to my Twitter account!